Monday, July 20, 2009

Sweet home.. San Diego?

I'm sitting on a airport in Sweden as the sun sets over the airfield outside the massive windows, I'm pretty much done with the graphic novel I've been working on for two years now. Tomorow I'll be in the USA, putting the final touches on the artwork and lettering, on location. Then it's of to San Diego Comi Con and look at the spectacle, meet people and hand out cards.

I've rarely left the house the last couple of years, working on pages as minutes drifts into hours, days, weeks, months and finally years, so this is a very strange experience to put i mildely.

Anyhow, I'll try to kickstart this blog again while I'm over there, hopefully with some photos from Comi Con, art from the graphic novell etc. as well and not just a wall of text like this here. So, whish me luck and keep an eye out for updates!

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